Staking Pools

The purpose of staking pools is to distribute CHEESE tokens to the community and provide liquidity for fUSD and CHEESE holders in the CHFRY ecosystem.

CHFRY currently supports five pools: one for fUSD, one for CHEESE, one for fUSD3CRV LP tokens, one for CHEESE/ETH SLP tokens, and one for alUSD tokens.

The following establishes the rationale for each:

  • fUSD3CRV LP tokens: Establishing a peg as close to $1 as possible and providing deep liquidity for fUSD is of utmost importance. Doing so will give real utility for fUSD as an advance on yield farming income as it can easily be converted to DAI, USDC, or USDT with low slippage.

  • CHEESE/ETH SLP tokens: This pair will provide liquid markets for the CHEESE governance token.

  • fUSD tokens: This will be an initial pool to incentivise the fUSD holding until the fUSD/USDT/DAI/USDC pair becomes sufficiently liquid. It also serves as a very low-risk way of receiving CHEESE tokens.

  • CHEESE tokens: This pool will reward the CHEESE holders who may be too risk-averse to join the CHEESE/ETH pool. The longevity of this pool will be determined by the community.

  • alUSD token: This pool will incentivize the alUSD token holders to stake their alUSD on CHFRY in order to receive CHEESE rewards.

With more synthetic tokens made by CHFRY, new pools will be created and their weights will be adjusted accordingly.

Last updated